
Social Isolation

Impulse Control Challenges in Children

Children often face challenges when it comes to impulse control, which refers to the ability to resist immediate impulses or urges in favour of long-term goals or appropriate behaviours. Here are some common impulse control challenges that children may experience.Children may struggle with managing their emotions and have difficulty controlling their immediate reactions to certain […]

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Social Anxiety in Social Interaction

Children with social anxiety in social interaction may find it challenging to initiate conversations or join group activities. They may feel overwhelmed by the fear of rejection or negative evaluation from their peers, leading them to withdraw or avoid social interactions altogether. Children with social anxiety often fear being judged, ridiculed, or embarrassed in social

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Social Anxiety in Social Interactions

Social anxiety is a common challenge that many individuals face when it comes to social interactions. It can make everyday interactions feel overwhelming and lead to feelings of self-consciousness, fear, and avoidance. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to navigate social situations with confidence and ease. In this blog, we will

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Understanding the Diverse Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that manifests in a variety of ways. Individuals with ASD often experience a range of symptoms and challenges that impact their social interactions, sensory processing, communication, and cognitive abilities. In this article, we will explore the diverse array of symptoms associated with ASD, shedding light

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Understanding Asperger’s Syndrome: Insights into a Unique Neurodevelopmental Condition

Introduction: Asperger’s syndrome, also known as Asperger’s disorder or simply Asperger’s, is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by difficulties in social interaction, repetitive behaviours, and restricted interests. It falls under the umbrella of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but it is distinct in its presentation. In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating world of Asperger’s

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