Author name: Priyanka Sadukhan

Importance of Nutrition in Neuro Development and basic nutrition for child growth and development

Nutrition is referred to as one of the greatest environmental factors on the mother’s womb. It is essential throughout the infant and early years of child development. A fully balanced nutrition diet followed in childhood time plays  a critical role in brain development, cognitive development.    The role of nutrition is deeply correlated with brain […]

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ADHD and Dyslexia symptoms and diagonisis

“Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral condition characterized by patterns of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity”. “Dyslexia is a brain-based specific learning disability (LD). It affects a person’s language ability, making it difficult to learn to read, spell, decode, and recognize words”. These two neuro developmental diseases are related to each other. Some factors

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Tips and information for parenting special child

In the time of pregnancy the baby’s brain starts developing till adulthood. It needs a strong foundation and fundamental nutrition. The brain is made up of several different  cells and neurons. These neurons communicate with each other by passing tiny chemical messages called synapses. Moreover, 50 million children have developmental challenges such as autism, intellectual

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